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The study examined the influence of innovative funding models on administration of secondary schools in Enugu State. Two research questions guided the study while two hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was 297 principals which comprised 214 males and 83 females. There was no sampling procedure because the population was manageable. The instrument used for data collection was a 15-item structured questionnaire titled “Influence of Innovative Funding Models on Administration of Secondary Schools Questionnaire (IIFMASSQ)”. The instrument was validated by three research experts, two from Department of Educational Management and one from Measurement and Evaluation unit of Department of Mathematics and Computer Education, all from Faculty of Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu. Cronbach Alpha statistic was used to compute the internal consistency of the instrument which yielded .83 and .81 for clusters 1 and 2 with an overall reliability index of .82 which indicates that the instrument is reliable. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested with t-test statistic. The findings of the study showed that community involvement and corporate sponsorships influence the administration of secondary education in Enugu State to a great extent. Based on the findings, the study recommended that Enugu State government should create attractive policies that would enhance massive participations of individuals and corporate bodies in the administration of secondary education


Innovation, Funding Models, Administration, Community Involvement, Corporate Sponsorships

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How to Cite
Aka, C. P. (2024). INFLUENCE OF INNOVATIVE FUNDING MODELS ON EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ENUGU STATE. Journal of Continuing and Development Education, 4(1), 125–134. Retrieved from